Friday, September 28, 2012

Turning Over a New Autumn Leaf

I know, I am terrible about blogging.  I just can't seem to find the time to properly dedicate to the blog, but I am trying and I am hoping this will be the new beginning, a new leaf per se.

With this new beginning I would like to explain why my time has been so consumed so that I have not given proper attention to the blog, or to you my dear followers.  Let's start at the beginning, shall we?

Several years ago, I was in a life altering car accident.  Up until that point I had been a healthy, active woman.  I was a massage therapist, focused on healing my clients, mostly Fibromyalgia and Neuropathy sufferers.  I loved what I did.  I worked in the school system, but performed massage on the side.  Then the car accident.

For a few months I was shuttled between doctors and physical therapy sessions, my condition only worsening until I slept at most 15minutes solid a day, and mostly that was in a recliner.  Finally, a doctor noticed that a vertebrae in my neck had collapsed and he performed surgery the following week.  Immediately upon waking, the terrible weight and pain I had been experiencing was gone.  I was elated, I was going to have my life back!  Unfortunately, that was not the path I was on.

I knew the signs, it was what I specialized in, but finding a doctor to correctly diagnose me took several more years.  Finally the not in the least shocking diagnoses was given, I had Fibromyalgia.  I cried, to finally have a diagnoses, to finally have someone believe me and to know it was not all in my head (my fellow invisible disability or chronic illness sufferers can all understand this feeling).  But, I also cried because I knew that the life I once lived would never return to me.  I was now on a forever altered path.

Fear not, this is not a sob story!  Nay, this is a story of reinvention, of indomitable will and perseverance. I have been able to get myself off of all of my Fibromyalgia medications by a change in diet and working with herbs and essential oils.  This has taken me on a path where my love of helping others and a need to find meaning to all of this, to a return to school.  I am now taking courses in Herbology and Master Level Aromatherapy all within a Naturopathy program.  This is why my time has been so short.

But I am excited to share what I am learning to help others, not only hands on, but through the great wide web.  So I ask you to please keep following and invite your friends, family and anyone you may know who suffers with any sort of condition, or just wants to learn to live a more basic, natural lifestyle.  I want this to be a safe haven, a site of understanding and fellowship as well as a wonderful source of information to help you and others with any condition life may throw at you.  I will have guest speakers as well as links to helpful sites I find on my internet travels.  I will provide recipes, and in time a web store of products, to help you holistically and naturally.  This is my goal...for me, and for you.

So until next time I wish you all bright paths and safe journeys!


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